Oh Comely - Audience blog tasks
1) How does Oh Comely introduce itself?
Oh Comely introduces itself by talking about what the magazine is all about and also provides statistics to show how well the magazine is doing and how many people they have managed to reach.2) How do the print circulation/readership statistics for Oh Comely compare to Men's Health?
Men's Health seems to have a broader age range and also reaches a lot more audience; this could be because they produce more editions of their magazine and give some out to free in places where they know their target market would be and Oh Comely could also have less audience reading their magazine because they have more of a niche market compared to Men's Health.3) How is Oh Comely distributed to the audience?
Oh Comely only do a few prints so their regular customers would tend to buy from them and other than that they reach out to audiences by selling their magazines at popular cafes as they know their target audience go there and they'd be able to have a read of the magazine that way.
4) What do you think the target audience demographics for Oh Comely might be? Some details are provided by the magazine (e.g. average age 27) but make an educated guess on further demographic details.
They'd mainly be aiming at middle class, young white women who have strong feminist beliefs and are also most likely to go to places like cafes regularly as they also have their magazines there.5) What psychographic groups might be attracted to Oh Comely?
Explorers as they seek difference and are looking for newer unique things and Oh Comely are a modern magazine that talk about new things that traditional magazine wouldn't tend to mention. Explorers also tend to be a younger demographic.6) What social class classification would you expect most Oh Comely readers to be? Why?
Most of them would be middle class as Oh Comely is a luxurious magazine rather than an affordable one and they have made it quite clear that they're aiming it at a higher class audience rather than people looking for an on-budget magazine as it also sets a brand image for them.7) What level of education would you expect for most Oh Comely readers? Why?
Oh Comely readers would most likely be well-educated as the magazine talks about inspiring women and women that work hard which comes with good education. It is also laid out in a more complex way that is for educated people to understand and find attractive rather than general audience.8) What audience pleasures are offered by Oh Comely?
The themes are easy for the audience to understand the magazine talks about them in detail and makes it interesting for the audience to read.It is also pleasurable for women as they've been given a platform to praise other women, be supportive and also motivate others which would be pleasant for them to read.
9) It has been suggested Oh Comely is a “magazine about people, their quirks and creativity rather than money and what it can buy”. How does the design and advertising content of Oh Comely support this view?
They have used a very aesthetic design in their magazine to reflect their artsy side rather than making it full of colour and text to promote as much things as possible. The uniqueness of the layout also reflects the articles that can be found inside as they are quirkier than usual magazine articles and have content that they think need to be spoken about in society rather than writing about it knowing that if they do, they'd attract a lot of customers.10) Why do you think Oh Comely has been able to build a loyal audience of subscribers in the eight years since it launched? Think about audience demand, rival magazines and the overall media landscape in the digital age.
Although their magazines aren't at an affordable price, they don't release their magazines often which leaves audience eager and waiting for the magazine to come out so that they can read the newer articles. Rather than publishing news and gossip, they write about peoples lives, inspirational stories, social issues etc. which would make readers come to them because they could find news and gossip elsewhere but it's rare to find these articles which is what their target audience is interested in.