Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Industries - Ownership and control

Industries - Ownership and control


Conglomerate Ownership - A large company composed of a number of smaller companies.
A media conglomerate is a company that owns numerous companies involved in creating ,ass media products.
Vertical Integration - When a media company owns a range of businesses in the same chain of production and distribution. A company might own the film studio that makes a film, the distributors that sell it to cinemas and then the movie channel that premieres it on TV. Allows companies to reduce costs and increase profits.
Horizontal Integration - When a media company owns a range of different media companies that are largely unrelated. Has media institutions reach a wider audience but like vertical integration, can be a risk if the parent company doesn't understand the market.
Synergy - The process through which a series of media products derived from the same text or institution is promoted in and through each other. Look for links or consistent branding across different media platforms and products.
Diversification - When a company branches out into a different area of the industry e.g. many media companies have had to diversify to internet-driven distribution as a result of new and digital media. In the music industry, major labels such as Warner Music have had to embrace streaming in order reverse years of declining revenue. 


The government shouldn't be more dominant on media conglomerates as they are a business who are entitled to producing whatever content they wish. There are already few laws that restrict them from producing certain types of content and if this tightens up even more they may not be able to produce content that their target market would enjoy. Even if somethings aren't said by the law, there are ethical issues that the conglomerates would have to consider if they start acting in an unethical manner they would begin to lose viewers anyway and people would start hating on the platform so it would happen naturally; the government doesn't need to enforce more laws on them. 


The production process is when they create content that their target audience would enjoy. Promotion is the steps they take to ensure it reaches the correct group of audience once it has been established who their target market are e.g. through advertising on TV. Distribution is the method that makes it easily accessible in the quickest way for the target audience. 


- BBC is funded by a licence fee
- The MailOnline receives more income the longer a reader stays on the site
- Sky One needs an income from subscribers
- ITV relies on income generated by advertisers.


Disney is mainly aimed at children and is known to be a family friendly brand. Has a reputation for creating animation since the 20th Century. 
Marvel is known for their superhero representation. Even if violence is being shown in their products, they will also reinforce mainstream values so that they don't influence kids who are their main target market. 


Artists no longer just sign away the rights to their music; a ‘360 deal’ is a contract that gives the record company a percentage of all the income generated by a musical artist. Can no longer generate most of its profits through the sale of music itself.


Google now owns YouTube, and has revolutionised the way we access music and moving-image entertainment and information.
Amazon, Netflix and Yahoo nowcreate, produce and ‘broadcast’their own TV shows.


As technology and media develops, traditional values are going to be lost eventually and media platforms that still follow traditional values will struggle to survive as the growing population prefers the newer things so they are losing out on audience as traditional media institutions do not respond quickly to change. 


Having diversification and vertical integration would help companies survive in the growing world as even if one thing they produce goes out of fashion and loses customers, they still have another category that audiences would enjoy and therefore keep the business running. 

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