Semiotics - index, icon, symbol
Icon: Index: Symbol:

Icon: Index: Symbol:

Icon: Index: Symbol:

Icon's and Index's help the audience identify what is being spoken about or represented. An icon shows literally what is; this is usually through a picture and an Index is something that relates to the topic or object; this could be done using a product or a picture of something.
Global adverts may avoid using symbols in their adverts as symbols aren't exact representations of what they're trying to show so people in other Countries may not understand what it is if it hasn't been culturally learned.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This advert failed as they linked it to a social issue of suicide however the message didn't get through quite clearly as it would've been quite offensive to people that have lost a loved one due to suicide or someone that failed a suicide attempt. The message the conveyed was literally 'Our car's so safe that you can't even commit suicide in it'.

They have used Index in this advertisement to get through a strong message in a positive way. They have signified the message in a positive way that would grab audiences attention. They have portrayed an important message in a smart way in which it grabs audiences' attention and makes them realise the consequences just using a short slogan.
Icon: Index: Symbol:
Icon: Index: Symbol:
Icon's and Index's help the audience identify what is being spoken about or represented. An icon shows literally what is; this is usually through a picture and an Index is something that relates to the topic or object; this could be done using a product or a picture of something.
Global adverts may avoid using symbols in their adverts as symbols aren't exact representations of what they're trying to show so people in other Countries may not understand what it is if it hasn't been culturally learned.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This advert failed as they linked it to a social issue of suicide however the message didn't get through quite clearly as it would've been quite offensive to people that have lost a loved one due to suicide or someone that failed a suicide attempt. The message the conveyed was literally 'Our car's so safe that you can't even commit suicide in it'.
They have used Index in this advertisement to get through a strong message in a positive way. They have signified the message in a positive way that would grab audiences attention. They have portrayed an important message in a smart way in which it grabs audiences' attention and makes them realise the consequences just using a short slogan.
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