January PPE learner response
1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
WWW: There is a lot of potential here: your Q7 answer is brilliant but then doesn't cover the second CSP (timing issues?)
If you can work on a couple of aspects of exam technique you should be looking for a B+ grade.
EBI: The unseen question (Q1) is a major weakness so practice this.
Remember to provide specific examples from the CSP.
Revise fandom and Chicken.
2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for A Level Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in this paper?
I was 6 marks away from meeting my target grade.The grade boundaries for this paper:
A* = 78; A = 68; B = 56; C = 46; D = 36; E = 26.
Now read through the AQA mark scheme. This is vital as the paper was an official specimen exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce. The original question paper is here if that is helpful too.
3) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:
Q1 - (8 marks)
Additional points: missing how the different modes and language associated with different media forms communicate multiple meanings.
Missing the element of clear and sometimes engages with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used to construct meaning in the album launch poster.
Q2 - (12 marks)
Didn't talk enough about the way events, issues, individuals (including self-representation) and social groups are represented through processes of selection and combination.
Not enough accurate understanding of the theoretical framework that is demonstrated by
consistently appropriate explanation of the representations of music and musical acts in the products.
Q3 - (9 marks)
Need more analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with ideas about narrative and how they relate to the CSP.
Need to include excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are consistently well supported by relevant analysis.
Q4 - (20 marks)
Need better understanding of the theoretical framework that is demonstrated by frequent appropriate consideration of ideas about gender performativity.
Should include consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout.
Q5 - (6 marks)
Revise keywords and memorise definitions.
Q6 - (9 marks)
Need to improve knowledge and understanding of the influences of the media contexts on media products that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective reference to the set product.
Include more subject specific terminology throughout the answer.
Q7 - (20 marks)
Make sure to talk thoroughly about both CSPs; set out enough time so that you are able to talk about both CSPs in-depth.
Talk about how media producers target, attract, reach, address and potentially construct audiences through the ways in which they are marketed, distributed and circulated for both the given CSPs.
Example: Q1: 5/8 marksAdditional points: missing how the different modes and language associated with different media forms communicate multiple meanings.
Missing the element of clear and sometimes engages with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used to construct meaning in the album launch poster.
Q2 - (12 marks)
Didn't talk enough about the way events, issues, individuals (including self-representation) and social groups are represented through processes of selection and combination.
Not enough accurate understanding of the theoretical framework that is demonstrated by
consistently appropriate explanation of the representations of music and musical acts in the products.
Q3 - (9 marks)
Need more analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with ideas about narrative and how they relate to the CSP.
Need to include excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are consistently well supported by relevant analysis.
Q4 - (20 marks)
Need better understanding of the theoretical framework that is demonstrated by frequent appropriate consideration of ideas about gender performativity.
Should include consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout.
Q5 - (6 marks)
Revise keywords and memorise definitions.
Q6 - (9 marks)
Need to improve knowledge and understanding of the influences of the media contexts on media products that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective reference to the set product.
Include more subject specific terminology throughout the answer.
Q7 - (20 marks)
Make sure to talk thoroughly about both CSPs; set out enough time so that you are able to talk about both CSPs in-depth.
Talk about how media producers target, attract, reach, address and potentially construct audiences through the ways in which they are marketed, distributed and circulated for both the given CSPs.
Additional points: didn't mention codes and conventions of music promotion flier/poster; didn't discuss unconventional focus on mouth rather than eyes; didn't discuss idea that gender stereotypes are ironically reinforced to emphasise 'outsider' element of artist.
4) Look at Question 4 - a 20-mark essay evaluating how useful Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity is. Write a full essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 4-6 well-developed paragraphs planned in some detail.
Intro - talk about how far you agree with the statement and start explaining why you agree or disagree with the statement and the usefulness of it.Paragraph 1 - Starting talking in more detail by applying the theory to one of the CSPs. How the statement links or doesn't link to the CSP and how you can analyse this.
Paragraph 2 - build your argument up more by talking about the second CSP and link it to the statement and your side of the argument. Once again, talk about how the statement links or doesn't link to the CSP and how you can analyse this. Apply other theories to support your point if possible.
Paragraph 3 - bring both CSPs together showing similarities in them and how they could both used as evidence to argue your point/opinion on the statement. Talk about the other side of the argument and how that side could also work and why. Apply other theories to support your point if possible.
Conclusion - summarise your argument by linking back to the question and revise your opinion again. End the argument by giving a balanced reasoning for both sides.
5) Based on the whole of your Paper 1 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your summer exam Media revision timetable.
- I need to revise media language and representations
- Do more exam practice on unseen questions to get familiar to those types of questions.
- Work on how to apply theory to specific CSPs.
- Revise all CSPs from year 12 in detail.
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