Monday, 9 March 2020

Videogames: The Sims FreePlay part 3 - Representation

Videogames: The Sims FreePlay part 3 - Representation

Textual analysis

Re-watch some of the expansion pack trailers and answer the following questions:

1) How do the expansion pack (DLC) trailers reinforce or challenge dominant ideologies?

The DLC's reinforce dominant ideologies linked to capitalism, working to support/sustain a high quality lifestyle.

2) What stereotypes have you identified in The Sims FreePlay?

Majority of the relationships shown in the games adverts are heterosexual. This could show that the game producers are stereotyping that a relationship should be amongst two people of the opposite genders. They also show diversity as they have characters of different colours, shapes and sizes to choose from which challenges stereotypes as in most other popular videogames, the characters are predominantly white.  

3) What media theories can you apply to representations in The Sims FreePlay?

    - Gramsci: Marxism and Hegemony- Reinforces traditional ideologies surrounding capitalism and the economy through the Sims.
      - Van Zoonen: Sex-role stereotypes- The opposing sex's roles differ but support ideologies of the 'Golden Age', being traditional.

      Representation reading

      Read this Forbes article on gender and racism in The Sims franchise and answer the following questions:

      1) How realistic does The Sims intend to be?

      Sims is somewhat realistic as the game is based around creating a realistic yet preferred lifestyle. However, some things within the game may be seen as unrealistic as the game blurs out some of the bad things in life and makes everything seem positive and simple which isn't how it works in the real world. But that is one of the game play elements and creates audience pleasure. 

      2) How has The Sims tried to create more realistic representations of ethnicity?

      The Sims has attempted to create more realistic representations of ethnicity by including loads of different ethnic backgrounds in the section where you create characters as players now have a wide range to choose from. 

      3) How has The Sims responded to racism and sexism in society?

      They have responded to it by making all characters equal and making all races and genders available to players to choose from putting everyone at an equal level and spreading equality. In the games adverts we can also see a few interracial couples which reinforces equality and showing we're all one regardless or race and ethnicity.   

      4) What is The Sims perspective on gender fluidity and identity?

      Players only have a choice of choosing between male or female at the moment which doesn't show much gender fluidity and some players may not feel a sense of belonging if they do not identify themselves as either of those genders. 

      5) How does The Sims reinforce the dominant capitalist ideologies of American culture?

      It reinforces the idea that if you work hard you will achieve greatness and also constantly shows the path of going to school getting a job and providing for your family which are capitalist ideologies.

      Read this New Normative feature on LGBTQ representation in The Sims franchise and answer the following questions:

      1) How did same-sex relationships unexpectedly help the original Sims game to be a success?

      Because The Sims predominantly showed heterosexual relationships only previously which may have caused a bit of controversy amongst the LGBTQ+ community but now that they have same-sex relationships people belonging to the LBGTQ+ community can also play the game and feel like they can relate.

      2) How is sexuality now represented in The Sims?

      One of their new goals is to now show their support to the LGBTQ+ community and show more fluid relationships in their game. 

      3) Why have fans praised the inclusion of LGBTQ relationships in The Sims franchise?

      It shows acceptance in the community and how it is becoming more and more normalised to be in a same-sex relationship. Incorporating this in videogames allows people from LBGTQ+ community have something that they can play and be able to relate to as there aren't really any other games that they could play and feel a sense of belonging to. 

      4) Why did the Sims run into regulatory difficulties with American regulator the ESRB? How did EA respond?

      They ran into regulatory difficulties with ESRB as they didn't have any guidelines on same sex support.

      5) How is sexuality represented in the wider videogames industry today?

      More and more games are showing their support towards the LGBTQ+ community today as you come across a lot more gay or lesbian relationships amongst characters in games now then ever before although some gamers are still a bit behind and lack this element to their game. 

      Reality, postmodernism and The Sims

      Read this Paste Magazine feature on reality and The Sims franchise. Answer the following questions:

      1) What does the article suggest about the representation of real life in The Sims 4?

      It suggests that Sims 4 doesn't have the same excitement as the Sims 3; Sims 4 is seen to be too real and the writer questions how one can 'escape from real life' when they are constricted in a game that requires them to live a normal life which defeats the initial purpose of the game.

      2) What audience pleasures did the writer used to find in The Sims franchise?

      3) Why the does the writer mention an example of a washer and dryer as additional DLC?

      She didn't use the additional DLC as she felt it was too similar to real life and it's things that you wouldn't usually get pleasure from doing in your normal life so she argues why would you want to do it in a game that you play in order to feel a sense of escapism. 

      4) In your opinion, has The Sims made an error in trying to make the franchise too realistic?

      I think trying to make the game more realistic defeats the purpose of the initial game as a lot of players enjoyed playing the game because of the escapism and fantasy within the game. 

      5) How does this representation of reality link to Baudrillard’s theory of hyperreality - the increasingly blurred line between real and constructed?

      One of the games main goals is to blur out the line between reality and what's a game which could be used as evidence to back up Baudrillard's theory on hyperreality. 

      The Sims FreePlay social media analysis

      Analyse The Sims FreePlay Facebook page and Twitter feed and answer the following questions:

      1) What is the purpose of The Sims FreePlay social media channels?

      It gives them a place to promote their game and new updates that they have for free. They can choose what type of audience they promote these things to, to ensure they reach their target market and simply allows them to share any information they wish to with their followers.

      2) Choose three posts (from either Twitter or Facebook) and make a note of what they are and how they encourage audience interaction or response. - a seasonal edition linked to Easter. - shows a few different sims characters that could attract new players in. - shows a marketing strategy they've used to build anticipation amongst audience for the games new update.

      3) Scroll down the Facebook feed briefly. How many requests for new content can you find from players? Why is this such as an important part of the appeal for The Sims FreePlay?

      Audiences are constantly asking for newer content which is evident when scrolling through their Facebook page. This shows the dedication that players and also how 'addicted' they are to the game seeing as they're constantly demanding new content. A lot of players also want to see newer features being brought into the game making the game more diverse for more different audience.

      4) What tweets can you find in the Twitter feed that refer to additional content or other revenue streams for EA?

      They have a lot of links which take audience to advertisements for other products or different version of Sims, upcoming events, competitions etc. 

      5) Linking to our work on postmodernism, how could The Sims FreePlay social media presence be an example of Baudrillard’s hyperreality and simulacra?

      Because even when players aren't actively on the app playing the game, they can things circulating around it on their social media which makes it come to a point where the game plays a big part of their real life. This is when the line gets blurred between reality and the game. 

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